Thursday 13 March 2014

The main subject for this picture I took is close up's, I took this picture because in my opinion it looked very eye catching and interesting. With the fact of the texture on the flower, to me this picture means a lot because it is nature which I personally like and the colour yellow is also my favourite colour so it drew my attention. This picture is focused on close ups because it is taken from a close range and with accurate taking.

The element of design of this photo is the fact that the texture of the rain on the flower uses great design to the image. I personally think this image could be improved by using the rule of thirds to make this picture look more professional. Also I think that it could be improved by making the flower face towards the camera so I would get a better image of the flower.

I asked people in my class what they thought of my image I have taken and I got positive feedback, two people said that the image is eye catching because of the vibrant colour of the flower and that the image blurs out into the background. I got feedback that is negative also and they said that the image would be a lot better if  the image was using the rule of thirds. They said that the dead leaves on the stem of the flower make it look less professional.

My picture compared to 'professional' pictures are at an extent the same as seen here:

This is a professional photo taken with a suitable camera for photography, this is in some ways the same as mine but has a healthy colour yellow on the flower. This image is also not using the rule of thirds as mine but still can be used as a professional image.

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